Deir El Ahmar – The Church of Our Lady of the Tower

Our Lady of The Tower Maronite Church, Deir Al-Ahmar, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة البرج

Deir El-Ahmar



كنيسة سيّدة البرج - دير الأحمر بنى الرومان في دير الأحمر معبدًا لجوبيتير، تحوّل أوائل القرون الوسطى لبرجٍ عسكريّ لم يبقَ من بنائه سوى الطابق الأوّل. خلال القرن العاشر تحوّل الى ديرٍ يعقوبيّ. سنة ١٧٥٩ دمّر زلزال ضخم كنيسة سيّدة الزروع القديمة فتداعى الأهالي لبناء عقدٍ سريريّ كبير فوق آثار البرج، ليصبح البناء كنيسةً جديدةً كبيرة. كُرّست الكنيسة سنة ١٨٤٣ ورُمّمت سنة ٢٠١٧. تضمّ الكنيسة لوحتين للعذراء من عمل كنعان ديب وداوود القرم. كذلك تحتوي على مكتبةً غنيّة بالكتب البيعيّة. The Church of Our Lady of the Tower - Deir El Ahmar The Romans built a temple dedicated to Jupiter in Deir El Ahmar. During the High Middle Ages, the temple was converted into a three-storey military tower, but today only the first storey remains. In the 10th century, Jacobite monks used the site as a monastery. In 1759, an earthquake struck the region and destroyed the old church of Our Lady. The people of Deir el Ahmar then decided to build a great cross-vaulted church on the foundation of the tower. The church was dedicated in 1843 and underwent renovation in 2017. The church is home to a manuscript library and two Marian paintings by Kanaan Dib and Dawoud el Qorm. La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Torre - Deir El-Ahmar Los romanos construyeron un templo dedicado a Júpiter en Deir El-Ahmar. A principios de la Alta Edad Media, el templo se convirtió en una torre militar de tres pisos, de la cual actualmente solo queda el primer piso. En el siglo X, los monjes jacobitas utilizaron el sitio como monasterio. En 1759, un terremoto azotó la región y destruyó la antigua iglesia de Nuestra Señora. La gente de Deir el-Ahmar decidió entonces construir una Iglesia de grandes dimensiones con bóveda de crucería sobre los cimientos de la torre. La iglesia fue consagrada en 1843 y se renovó en 2017. La iglesia alberga una biblioteca de manuscritos y dos pinturas marianas de Kanaan Dib y Dawoud el Qorm.

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كنيسة مار يوحنا المعمدان - الحمصيّة

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The church of St John the Baptist - Homsyeh

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Qsaibeh – Our Lady of Deliverance

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Qsaibeh Baabda


Mount Lebanon

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من الملفت وجود عين العناية الإلهية على بيت القربان، رمزًا قّل استخدامه بعد منتصف القرن التاسع عشر في الفن المسيحي بعدما أخذ دلالةً ماسونيّةً.
رُمّمت الكنيسة في القرن الماضي وأُعيد تدشينها وتكريس المذبح الجديد في عيد السيّدة سنة ١٩٧٤.
Our Lady of Deliverance Church Qsaybeh
The church was consecrated on the feast of Assumption of Mary year 1883 with the efforts of Father Boutros Zeidan. Three main paintings are hung in the three apses. On the main apse, stands that of the Assumption of the Lady, painted by Dawoud El Qorm in year 1894, with the verse :"For whoever finds me finds life, and wins favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 8: 35) written below the virgin. On the side apses, one can find a painting that depicts Saint Maroun drawn by Habib Srour in 1923, and another one depicting Saint Peter, a work by Gerges Abdallah Abou Jaoudeh, year 1911.
What is remarkable is the presence of the Eye of Providence on the tabernacle, a symbol that was rarely used after the mid 19th century in Christian art for its relation with the Masonry.
The Church was renovated in the past century, and the Altar was reconsecrated on the feast of the Assumption of the Lady year 1974.

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كنيسة مار ضومط - زوق مكايل
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The church of St Doumit - Zouk Mikael
The church was built in 1728 by Sheikh Moussa el Khazen as a private church for the Khazen family. The structure is ornate with arabesque decoration and lucarnes in the vault, blending cribbed and crossed vaults. The church was a fiefdom of the Khazen family until the uprising of the peasants between 1902 and 1904. Back then the Maronite Patriarchy made the church a parish for the people to prevent them from turning to anglicanism. Also the Patriarch Elias Howayek made a pontifical visit to the parish and gave the parish many indulgences. The church holds a lot goldsmith artifacts and paintings. The building was renovated in the eighties of the XXth century.